CategoriesDaily Health Tips Health Articles Products

Are Probiotics Really Good for Your Health?

Probiotics are a popular buzzword in today’s contemporary world, and they are extremely useful to our intestines, the human body’s “second brain.” The consumer market includes probiotic nutritional supplements such as probiotic beverages and probiotic pills, as well as probiotic meals such as probiotic milk and ice cream, kombucha, yoghurt, and probiotic skin care products. Especially for FRUSSO, which has a large proportion of probiotics that are good to our health. On the market, we have a large range of probiotic products. But what exactly are probiotics? Are Probiotics Really Beneficial to Our Health? Is it backed up by science?

What exactly are probiotics?

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Because probiotics are live microbes (tiny creatures that can only be seen via a microscope), they are required by our bodies to ensure healthy health. Simply speaking, probiotics are microorganisms that are friendly to humans, or “good” germs. Here, we refer to it as a “good” microbe. Because they provide several health advantages, including aiding digestion, stimulating the immune system, and protecting us from “bad” germs that cause illness.

Probiotics come in a variety of forms. The following probiotic microorganisms are the most widely used:

Lactobacillus is the most prevalent probiotic bacterium found in supplements, yoghurt, and other foods. Lactobacillus bacteria are found in many sections of our intestines and bodies and play a crucial role in our health. Lactobacillus galinalum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus ramnosus, and Lactobacillus casei are all common Lactobacillus species.

Bifidobacterium: Bifidobacterium, like Lactobacillus, is a common probiotic bacteria found in nutritional supplements and meals. Bifidobacterium is commonly found in our intestines and stomach. They assist our bodies in key tasks such as digestion and compete with “bad” bacteria for food in order to kill them. Bifidobacteria include bifidobacteria, bifidobacteria bold, and bifidobacteria courageous.

Streptococcus is a lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Some streptococcus species can cause disease in humans; however, the majority of streptococcus species are not hazardous and exist naturally and happily in our mouth, skin, intestines, and upper respiratory system. is. Streptococcus is a bacterium that is utilised in the manufacturing of Swiss cheese.

Enterococcus, Escherichia, Bacillus, and Saccharomyces are some other probiotic microorganisms (yeast).

Why do we need probiotics?

Many individuals are terrified of germs, sometimes known as bacteria. Have you ever encountered someone who was preoccupied with cleanliness and personal hygiene and cleaned and disinfected their hands on a regular basis? In this situation, the person may have eczema or a skin infection. Why? Excessive washing destroys and kills the normal microbial flora on the skin’s surface, which defends us from “bad” bacteria in the environment.

Can probiotics cause harm?

Probiotics have a long history of usage that appears to be safe, particularly for healthy persons. However, because few studies have looked into the safety of probiotics in depth, there is a lack of solid data on the incidence and severity of adverse effects. Probiotics have a greater risk of negative effects in persons who are unwell or have a weaker immune system. The possible dangers and advantages of probiotics should be carefully evaluated when contemplating probiotics for high-risk populations such as preterm new-borns and critically sick inpatients.

Infectious infections, the creation of toxic compounds by probiotic bacteria, and the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes from probiotic microorganisms to other microbes in the gastrointestinal system are all possible negative effects of probiotics. Some probiotic products have been found to include bacteria other than those indicated on the label. In some situations, these pollutants might be hazardous to one’s health.

Where can I get probiotics?

Probiotics can be obtained via foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, kimchi, miso, kelp tea, and pickles.

But, if there was a simple method to acquire enough probiotics on a regular basis to maintain a healthy gut and enhance our “second brain,” would you try it? FRUSSO, which contains probiotics and prebiotics, is the solution. One sachet per day provides all the benefits, and you may also reduce weight in a healthy and simple manner. So, why still hesitating? Try FRUSSO right now!

CategoriesDaily Health Tips Health Articles Products

Are you one of the 75% of World’s Suboptimal Health Population?

Have you really heard of suboptimal health? It is a word that describes the state that exists between disease and health; there may be no diagnosable illness, yet there are a variety of unpleasant health symptoms. Simply put, you are aware that your health is no longer as good as it once was, yet your health report indicates that you are in good health. According to the most recent statistics, barely 5% of the world’s population is deemed healthy. Excluding persons who have been diagnosed with illnesses, the remaining 75% of the world’s population is in substandard health! Suboptimal health is like a ticking time bomb; if you leave your existing health difficulties untreated or unimproved, there may be significant consequences!

Although a medical examination may not be able to detect the health condition of poor health, you may check to see whether you have any of the 8 signs of suboptimal health listed below!

Constant exhaustion

I slept for 8 hours a day and was still exhausted. Coffee is a must-have at work, otherwise you will be drowsy the entire day.

Dizzy and Forgetful

If you believe you are growing more forgetful these days, as serious as you tend to accomplish anything seconds ago but completely forget about it straight after doing something else. Furthermore, because you are unable to concentrate on what you do, your brain is not as keen as it previously was, and you must always exert enormous effort in order to figure out something.

Inadequate sleep


Insomnia occurs regularly, and even when you do fall asleep, the quality of your sleep is relatively poor. If you wake up fatigued and feel as if you haven’t had enough sleep, it’s because you didn’t get enough.

 Skin Condition

Metabolism decreases, resulting in a pale face and lips, dry skin, and different skin concerns such as fine wrinkles, acne, dark spots, and dull skin.

Appetite loss or a strong urge to eat

Loss of appetite or a strong need for food is a typical indicator of poor health. Loss of appetite can be induced by little triggers such as excessive heat or simply being in a bad mood; some people have a higher urge for eating than others.

Constipation and bloating in the stomach

Constipation is a somewhat frequent health condition that many people experience. When food remnants remain in the intestines for more than 24 hours without being expelled, it is considered an indication of poor digestion and hormonal imbalance, resulting in a variety of health conditions such as skin problems or foul breath.

Lack of immunity

Always become sick quickly when the weather changes, for example, frequent flu and fever, allergic responses, and other symptoms of poor immunity.

Unhappy mood

Mood swings, impatience, melancholy, and despair are all part of modern life.

Suboptimal health is a common health problem nowadays, with the majority of city dwellers experiencing more than half of the symptoms listed above. Although inadequate health is not directly related to serious illness, keep in mind that every disease begins with moderate symptoms. Start eating a healthy and balanced diet, give up bad habits like smoking and staying up late, exercise more frequently, consume less sweet and cold foods, and most importantly, relax your mind and body. Staying calm at all times is one of the most crucial factors to avoiding sickness!

Click here to learn more about our products EROJAN, S-GLOW, D-VINE, FRUSSO, LIVEON are here at Go Fit Organic AU are the best to help you to solve all your health problems achieve your healthiest self!

CategoriesHealth Articles Products

EROJAN: Can Erojan Supplement Really Create Long Lasting Orgasms ?

What if you say there are ways to feel better, lose weight, and gain energy?

How would you answer-probably something like “how?” Or “what’s in it for me?”

Well, EROJAN is a product traditionally used to improve men’s health and energy.

This EROJAN food supplement is this product and offers incredible benefits to consumers.

Combining these six key ingredients to create an EROJAN dietary supplement that offers the following benefits:

  1. Supports weight loss.
  2. Improves male health and restores hormonal balance.
  3. Increase energy
  4. Improve sexual performance
  5. Helps men age gracefully and look younger
  6. Reduce stress and improve mood.

Whenever we do something, we always want to make sure that our investment is rewarded, and EROJAN was developed with this in mind. EROJAN Men’s Supplements can easily get all these benefits from one product.

1 Capsule, Fusion of 6 main ingredients


EROJAN contains Tongkat Ali, an herbal remedy that has been part of traditional Southeast Asian medicine for centuries. Tongkat Ali has a few of chemicals that have different effects in the body. Some chemicals can affect the way the body produces the hormone testosterone, which can increase testosterone levels in the body. Tongkat Ali is used for erectile dysfunction (ED), male infertility, increased sexual desire in healthy people, and improved athletic performance.

Butia Superba is a shrub that grows naturally in Thailand, India and Vietnam and is thought to have aphrodisiac properties. The roots of Butea Superba, used in traditional Thai medicine, contain compounds that are said to improve sexual performance, treat erectile dysfunction and increase sperm count. According to scientific research, the roots of Butea superba contain various flavonoids. Flavonoids are a class of antioxidant compounds that provide a variety of health benefits, including B. Helps erectile dysfunction, increased libido, and increased sperm count.

 Maca, also known as Andeen Jinsen, Peruvian Jinsen, Lepidium meyenii, Lepidium peruvianum, is a relative of radish and has a butterscotch-like scent. Maca is a plant that grows on the Andean plateau. It was grown as a root vegetable for at least 3000 years. Roots are also used to make medicines, but there is not enough reliable information to know how maca works. People take maca orally because of male infertility, postmenopausal health problems, and increased sexual desire in healthy people.

Tribulus is a plant that produces fruits covered with Tribulus Terrestris. Tribulus Terrestris is a traditional small plant used to increase libido by increasing testosterone levels, keeping the urinary tract healthy, and reducing swelling. In addition, its main component, saponin, is known to help dilate coronary arteries, improve coronary artery circulation, and thereby improve blood flow. There are rumours that Tribulus is also known as a pit vine because of its very sharp spines and the ability to flatten bicycle tires. People use fruits, leaves, and roots as medicines for various diseases.

Horny goat weed is an herb. The leaves are used to make medicine. More than 15 species of horny goat weeds are known in Chinese medicine as “Yin Yang Huo”. Horny Horny Goatweed includes back and knee weakness, joint pain, osteoarthritis, mental and physical fatigue, memory loss, hypertension, heart disease, bronchitis, liver disease, HIV / AIDS, polio, chronic leukaemia Used virally for blood disorders called, as a heart infection, postmenopausal bone loss, weak bone (osteoporosis) and tonics. Horny goat weeds contain chemicals that can help increase blood flow and improve sexual function. It also contains phytoestrogens, a chemical that acts like the female hormone oestrogen and has the potential to reduce bone loss in postmenopausal women. Some men use horny goat weeds for sexual performance problems such as erectile dysfunction (ED) and involuntary ejaculation. It is also used to enhance sexual desire.

Cuscuta chinensis Lam. (Convolvulaceae) is an important Chinese herbal medicine commonly used for improving sexual function, treating osteoporosis, and preventing aging, and has been reported to show anti-osteoporosis effect in vitro. EROJAN diet supplements are known to provide consumers with these eight functions when taking EROJAN daily by taking 2 capsules after a meal.

Click here to learn more about our product EROJAN.

CategoriesHealth Articles Products

What Happens When I Take 10 seconds To Drink 1 sachet of LIVEON Everyday?

Want to defy the time? LIVEON is here! This powerful drink activates DNA and cell regeneration, helping us to look younger. State-of-the-art anti-aging weapon born after 13 years of research. So, get yourself stock on supplies and start feeling better. You deserved it!

LIVEON is different. It uses cutting-edge science to target damaged cells in the body and repair the aging process through DNA repair technology combined with natural antioxidants from plants like pomegranates and berries. blueberry. LIVEON stimulates cell renewal, improves skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles around the eyes, smoothed expression lines, restores hair density and leaves you feeling better than ever! This amazing drink is not only healthy but also delicious! So, hurry up and buy 100% risk-free products today.

LIVEON contains anti-aging ingredients that reduce cellular oxidative stress. It slows down the aging process and helps you look younger for longer!

What is LIVEON?

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LIVEON is a patented antioxidant-rich ready-to-drink beverage that fights aging through DNA activation and cell regeneration.

LIVEON contains powerful antioxidants from 4 countries. All these key ingredients are natural and patented worldwide. Enzogenol® is a powerful, clinically researched dietary supplement and antioxidant ingredient sourced from the primeval, sustainable pine forests of New Zealand. Enzogenol® is a 100% natural New Zealand extract derived from the bark of the cultivated radiata pine tree. Vegetarian Friendly, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Non-GMO, Diet Food, Halal Meats, Child Safe Ensured. Enzogenol® is generally recognized worldwide (as reported by GRAS) for use in foods and beverages.

  1. Promotes healthy brain activity and function at all ages through exceptional concentration, quick reactions and high mental energy.
  2. Promotes healthy glucose tolerance and tolerance.
  3. Preservation of vision and maintenance of healthy vision in the elderly.
  4. Reduces oxidative stress and the damaging effects of free radicals, keeps the body young, and slows down aging-related functional decline.
  5. Healthy blood circulation, healthy blood vessels and healthy blood pressure.
  6. Keeps the intestinal wall healthy and free of inflammation, while maintaining healthy intestinal flora and intestinal barrier function.
  7. Anti-aging antioxidant protection for healthy skin and strong hair, used in award-winning products.

In addition, superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an important natural antioxidant metalloenzyme in our body. SOD is present in all living things and has protected organisms from oxidation for more than two billion years. SODs exist both inside and outside cell membranes, where free radicals form and play an important role in preventing oxidative stress. SOD resides directly in mitochondria, responsible for the production of 90% of free radicals.

The best natural source of bioactive SOD and its innovative mechanism of action, SODB® provides a wide range of beneficial effects.

  1. Joint health
  2. Men’s postpartum recovery
  3. Eye health
  4. Feeling better
  5. Physical Recreation
  6. Relieves Physical Pain
  7. Reduces Cellulite
  8. Sunscreen
  9. Reduces Acne

In addition, Sirtmax Black Turmeric Extract is a plant belonging to the ginger family and grows naturally in Thailand. and Laos. It has long been used as a home remedy and its signature compounds are polymerthoxyflavonoids. Its effect, anti-oxidation, dilating blood vessels, anti-allergy is used as traditional medicine to enhance nutrition, increase sexual vitality, increase physical recovery, blood circulation and digestive system, Stabilize DNA and inflammation to improve folk rhythms. possible. The SIRT1 gene is the SIRT1 gene known as the “central” cell, mitochondria, and longevity gene. SIRT1 also inhibits the inflammatory response and increases resistance to hypoxia (hypoxia) and heat stress.

Sea buckthorn, known as the “sacred fruit” of Tibet, is found in Tibetan and Chinese multi-technological medical books. It is also used to treat coughs, digestion, skin problems, wounds, burns, and depression in some cases. Science has recently discovered the nutritional properties of omega 3, 6, 7, 9, vitamins and antioxidants.

Facts & Applications

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LIVEON is a ready-to-drink natural anti-aging beverage.

Various fruit flavours including kiwi, mangosteen, and blackberry.

Recommended dose: Take 1 sachet 30 minutes before each meal.

If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before taking this supplement or dietary supplement. Each serving of LIVEON contains over 1 gram of patented antioxidants, which have been shown to help slow the effects of aging by fighting oxidative stress in cells. It also contains 0% sugar, 0 iris, 0 t and gluten, so drinking this delicious drink every day is a pleasure!

Click here to learn more information about LIVEON.

CategoriesHealth Articles Products


Did you know that collagen occurs naturally in the body and aids in the maintenance of healthy joints, skin, hair, nails, and even muscles? Collagen provides our cells form and keeps them moisturised. Most collagen supplements on the market today are either unstable or have insufficient bioavailability. This suggests that your body does not absorb all of its nutrients since they slip through your system undetected. Collagen is present from birth, but it steadily degrades as we age. Our skin begins to droop, crumple, and wrinkles develop. Women may now have improved skin without the need of needles or surgery, thanks to cutting-edge new technology that has made headlines throughout the world.

D-Vine Collagen has developed a solution! They use special ingredients to give 4x better absorption than conventional solutions, allowing you to get the full spectrum of benefits! This blog post will explain how much better D-Vine Collagen works than others, so keep reading!

Collagen has various benefits.


Let’s get started now that you know more about collagen! According to studies, collagen is the most abundant protein in connective tissues. Because collagen keeps your body youthful and strong, it can help you achieve better-looking skin by keeping your body healthy. Collagen also improves hair quality, helping it to grow longer and glossier. It also improves the quality of your nails, making them stronger for you!

Aside from its effects on your body, collagen is also good to your joints! Collagen injections have long been utilised as a medical treatment. They work by reducing joint inflammation and relieving joint stiffness and pain, Collagen supplements, according to collagen specialists, can also help with pain relief, thus D-Vine collagen is an excellent choice for you!

If you prefer collagen in tablet form, check out D-Vine collagen! The supplement contains collagen generated from animal skins, which improves the look and shine of your skin. D-Vine collagen will improve the tone of your skin, remove wrinkles, and fine lines, and make you seem younger!

With collagen’s various benefits, it should be easy to convince you that collagen is the key to beautiful skin

Why choose D-vine collagen above other collagen supplements on the market? To starters, their special collagen components provide 4x greater absorption than conventional formulas, ensuring that your body gets all of the nutrients it requires. Furthermore, collagen has various health benefits, including the capacity to keep you looking youthful and healthy, as well as reduce inflammation in joints and relieve pain. Finally, collagen is essential for connective tissue health, and D-vine collagen capsules are a practical way to get all of the collagen your body requires!

We know what you’re thinking: it sounds too good to be true. However, with our exclusive ingredients and simple pill capsules, you may have gorgeous skin in no time without having to go through any painful treatments or arduous regimens. All you need are some collage pills for your daily routine, and you’re set to go! After only one week of application (we recommend two weeks), you will have healthy, beautiful skin every day, so don’t wait another minute and start your new beauty regimen right now!

Click here to learn more about D-VINE Collagen.

CategoriesDaily Health Tips Health Articles

Beware! Farts that are often and smelly are unusual!

According to our parents, frequent farting or flatulence is natural and healthy. Farting is an useful signal from our bowels since it is the evacuation of intestinal gas. Our parents have educated us that regular farting or flatulence is natural and healthy. Farting is, in reality, an excellent sign from our stomachs. Farting is the expulsion of intestinal gas that happens during meal digestion. Because healthy flatulence is made up of 99 percent odourless gas and 1 percent strong odour gas, it is quite normal for your fart to have a slight unpleasant odour. However, if your fart is very foul, it might be an indication of a bacterial infection in your gut!

There are various reasons why you get stinky farts; here are four typical characteristics found by current research:

Gut Dysbiosis of the microbiota

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In the human stomach, there exist both healthy and dangerous microorganisms. Bad bacteria are infamous for breaking down and digesting unabsorbed protein and lipids, transforming them into hydrogen sulphide and ammonia, which generate a stink in your fart. If you don’t consume a lot of protein and fats but your farts are particularly awful, you should look into the possibility of gut microbiota dysbiosis; most people who have gastroenteritis have an overgrowth of dangerous bacteria in their stomach.


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If you have persistent indigestion, the undigested foods that accumulate in your stomach breakdown into toxins, increasing the growth of hazardous microorganisms. When the rate of fermentation of hazardous bacteria rises, gas is produced, resulting in frequent farting that smells like rotting foods.

Lactose and gluten intolerance

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Some people are born with lactose and gluten intolerances, while others develop them over time. When our systems are unable to break down lactose or gluten, it can induce stomach bloating as well as the build-up of nasty gas in the gut, which is eventually expelled.

Eating too swiftly

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When you eat too rapidly or talk nonstop while eating, you are more likely to swallow too much air. When a precise amount of air builds in the body, it is expelled by fart or burp.

Drinking enough water, exercising frequently, drinking FRUSSO, and having a healthy diet and lifestyle are just a few of the things that may help you avoid stinky farts, promote healthy gut, and clean your intestine. Pay attention to your farts; if you generate more than 20 stinky farts each day, or if you haven’t farted in days, you should see a doctor to have your health, particularly your gut health, examined! Farting 5 to 15 times a day is considered normal and healthy (odourless or mildly smelling); however, never hold in a fart since this may cause stomach discomfort!

Click here to learn more about FRUSSO.

CategoriesHealth Articles

Would Collagen lead to weight gain?

Collagen is the most common protein in our systems. Proteins are the structural blocks of the body. They’re made up of amino acids. Peptides are made up of amino acid chains, and large proteins like collagen are made up of numerous peptide chains (polypeptides), which are often twisted in a certain way.

Collagen is the most prevalent protein in our skin and is also present in other tissues (for example, bone and cartilage). After the age of 25, both total collagen and collagen in our skin and bones begin to diminish. This is a normal part of the ageing process, and it causes the affected organs and tissues to lose physical integrity and work less efficiently. Those who have an unhealthy lifestyle (especially smokers) and consume a poor diet are more likely to lose collagen at a faster pace.

With the loss of collagen, the skin thins, becomes less resistant to physical stress and strain, and is less resistant to UV radiation from the sun. Simultaneously, ageing skin loses elastin and hyaluronic acid, both of which are necessary for the skin’s suppleness and hydration capacity. Concurrent loss of these three important components of the skin manifests as the symptoms of ageing skin – thin, wrinkled, sagging, dry, and insufficiently elastic; and commonly covered with age spots, moles, and skin tags produced by UV exposure. The most seriously sun-damaged skin is also at risk of developing numerous types of skin cancer.


The optimal strategy for creating and maintaining skin health and youthfulness, as well as postponing the impacts of skin ageing, is to guarantee that all three are present at appropriate levels. Collagen supplements have been used for many years to try to prevent or reverse skin ageing since collagen is the most crucial of these components. Scientific study on the beneficial effects of collagen on ageing skin has indicated that collagen may restore the skin’s thickness, strength, integrity, elasticity, hydration, radiance, and overall health. It is also highly healthy and helpful in the healing of wounds. It may even assist in the eradication of cellulite and stretch marks. There are various more advantages for the other organs and tissues as well.

One of the issues raised by people who use collagen supplements is that some of them gain weight. As a result, it is vital to understand that not only are there numerous types and qualities of collagen, but there are also several other components that are added to collagen supplements. And, if these individuals gained weight, we must discover which element of the supplement is to fault.

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First, let’s look at collagen. Collagen is a protein, and proteins provide the same amount of energy (4 kcal/gm) as carbohydrates. Therefore, eating 1 bowl of collagen on a regular basis may result in the same weight gain as eating 1 bowl of rice (300gm). Nevertheless, you are unlikely to consume that much collagen. Even if you take 20 grammes of collagen per day, the calories are only comparable to 1 heaping tablespoon of rice. Because most people only use a few grammes of collagen supplements each day, the calorie amount is unlikely to promote weight gain.

The second question is if collagen increases your appetite and encourages you to eat more. No, it does not. In actuality, it has the opposite impact. Collagen can genuinely aid with weight loss. Its particular amino-acid content and peptide structure make it both satiating (removing hunger and delivering a sense of fullness sooner and longer) and appetite suppressing. According to research, collagen ingestion promotes satiating hormones, causing test participants to eat less at the next meal. As a consequence, consuming collagen should aid you in eating less and losing weight.

Third, does collagen make you gain weight? Again, the answer is definitely no! Collagen, on the other hand, assists in fat reduction while retaining lean body mass. Exercising and lifting weights can also help you create bigger muscles and stronger bones faster. It is excellent weight gain if you gain weight owing to greater muscles!

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Third, does collagen make you gain weight? Again, the answer is definitely no! Collagen, on the other hand, assists in fat reduction while retaining lean body mass. Exercising and lifting weights can also help you create bigger muscles and stronger bones faster. It is excellent weight gain if you gain weight owing to greater muscles!

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Some low-quality, low-cost supplements include a high amount of sugar. For instance, a popular collagen supplement has 15gm of sugar every 25gm sachet of product. That equates to 3 teaspoons of sugar every sachet. There is just about 2.25gm of protein in total. The collagen content is not specified; nonetheless, it is most likely minimal. A low-cost supplement is uncertain to contain high-quality collagen. Instead, you’re getting sugar with a hint of collagen. Other ingredients (other than collagen or sugar) may occasionally increase appetite and cause weight gain. Fats can also be a concern if added to the supplement, although this is rarely the case with collagen supplements.

To get the most out of your collagen supplement while preventing weight gain, seek for one that has high-quality, bio-available collagen. Choose hydrolyzed fish collagen for skin health. Hydrolyzed fish collagen is readily digested, resulting in smaller peptides that are absorbed. These are then made available for cells (especially fibroblasts) to create new collagen fibres. The best product is one in which the hydrolyzed collagen has already been broken down into smaller peptides, removing the need for digestion. Enzymes can be employed to do this in the plant.

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Fish collagen is predominantly “type 1” collagen, which is found throughout the body. Thus, consuming more fish collagen benefits the skin, as well as the joints, vital organs, blood vessels, metabolism, and bones. Because collagen formation and function need the presence of several cofactors (vitamin C, minerals, and others), it is ideal if the collagen supplement contains them. And if hyaluronic acid (which helps the skin regenerate even more) is included, the supplement is complete. Heavy metals, bacteria, synthetic hormones, preservatives, melamine, and marine pollution must be avoided in the supplement (dioxin).

Lastly, it should have a pleasant flavour so that it is enjoyable to consume.

D-VINE is the collagen supplement that satisfies all of these needs. It is made of Korean high-tech enzymatically produced hydrolyzed fish collagen. Collagen peptides are small (around 1000 Daltons in size) and quickly absorbed by the body and collagen-producing cells. Because of its excellent absorption, the recommended daily quantity of two chewable tablets is as effective as 4 times the dose of other collagen products. It includes vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals, and phytonutrients, all of which function as cofactors for collagen. The chewable tablet (candy) tastes like strawberries, and chewing it is straightforward and enjoyable. Each tablet contains a high concentration of bioavailable hydrolyzed fish collagen peptides, minimal carbohydrates, strawberry and other fruit powders, sweetener, and no refined sugar.

Click here to learn more about D-VINE Collagen.

CategoriesDaily Health Tips Health Articles

Is 16:8 Intermittent Fasting effective for weight loss?

Have you ever heard of the notion of Intermittent Fasting (IF)? Some individuals may be perplexed and scared when they first hear about this fasting method, but after they understand the principle and scientific logic behind it, they may be amazed with its efficacy and simplicity!

The concept behind 16:8 Intermittent Fasting is simple: you can eat anything you want during the feasting period of 8 hours every day, then fast for 16 hours straight. During the fasting time, you may only take simple water, black coffee, tea, or anything with no calories. Is it tough to put in place? Not much, given you’ve already slept for 8 of the 16 hours. This is the most popular feasting window since you can wake up with a cup of 0 calorie black coffee and eat your first meal around 12pm. Of course, this is not a recommended time; it is entirely up to your own taste based on your lifestyle and habits. When you’ve become used to the 16:8 diet, you may try the 18:6 or even the 20:4 diet for even better results! You could have a lot of questions about the IF diet right now, so let’s answer them with more information below!

IF’s premise: Insulin

When we eat, our pancreas creates insulin to help break down the foods we eat and store the glucose in our bodies for later use. When our insulin levels fall far enough and for long enough during fasting, the cells release the stored glucose as energy, which can result in weight loss when our body begins to burn fat for energy after the glucose stored before has been used up. The average human body begins to burn fat after 12 hours of fasting; so, 16 hours of fasting is an optimal interval for our body to burn fat.

Do I have to stick to the IF diet completely after I’ve started? Not at all.

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There are additional types of IF diet programmes, such as daily IF and weekly IF (6 days with normal diet and 1 day fasting, or 5 days with normal diet and only eat up to 500 calories on the next 2 days). The 16:8 IF eating plan is the simplest of the lot. One of the factors that contribute to the IF diet’s popularity is its versatility; you may adjust the feasting window at any moment.

For example, if you have a breakfast date on the weekend or are going on a two-day culinary adventure, you may simply adjust your feasting window because it will not have a substantial impact on the outcome. It’s a different storey if you change your fasting period on a frequent basis.

Is there anything I should avoid while on the IF diet? : No.

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You can eat anything you want during the feasting window, but in order to lose weight safely and successfully, you must also limit your calorie intake and maintain a balanced diet at all times. Keep in mind that you should consume adequate nutrients throughout your feasting window and avoid eating too much processed food.

During the 16-hour fast, you can only drink zero-calorie drinks such as black coffee and plain water. Avoid bottled beverages, even if they are labelled as zero-calorie, because some are sweetened and may increase the release of insulin in the body, which may eventually disturb your fasting.

What if I become hungry while fasting? Try your hardest!

It may be challenging for you if you eat a lot or are used to eating more than three meals each day. However, some people are already telling themselves that “I am going to be very hungry” before beginning the diet plan; therefore, it is important to convince yourself before beginning the plan and try to distract yourself by doing interesting but low-energy-consuming activities to alleviate the hunger that you are experiencing. If you’re hungry, you should also drink more water.

Although Intermittent Fasting offers many extra health benefits, such as improving skin condition and freshening breath, it is not recommended for pregnant women, individuals who live stressful lives, lack nutrition, and have bad sleep. If you encounter any of the following health issues: hair loss, mental difficulties, skin problems, debility, and so on, you should immediately cease the IF diet plan. If you want to try the IF diet but have a history of gastric or other chronic illness, consult your doctor first!

Alternatively, you may just drink FRUSSO for uncomplicated weight loss, gut health, and healthy digestive system.

Click here to learn more about FRUSSO.