Have you ever heard of the concept of Intermittent Fasting (IF)? Some people may be confused and horrified when they first hear about this fasting approach, but after they grasp the concept and scientific reasoning behind it, they may be impressed with its efficacy and simplicity!
The idea behind 16:8 Intermittent Fasting is simple: you can eat anything you want during the feasting phase of 8 hours every day, then fast for 16 hours straight. During the fasting period, you are only permitted to consume plain water, black coffee, tea, or anything with no calories. Is it difficult to put in place? Not much, considering you’re already sleeping for 8 hours out of the 16 hours. Because you can have a cup of 0 calorie black coffee in the morning to wake up and eat your first meal around 12pm, this is the most popular feasting window. Of course, this is not a recommended time; it is entirely up to your own taste based on your lifestyle and habits. When you have acclimated to the 16:8 diet, you may go to the 18:6 or even 20:4 diet to attain even better results! You may have a lot of questions regarding the IF diet right now, so let’s clear them up with additional information below!
IF’s premise: Insulin
When we eat, our pancreas produces insulin to help break down the foods we eat and store the glucose in our bodies for later use. When our insulin levels fall far enough and for long enough during fasting, the cells release the stored glucose as energy, which can result in weight loss when our body begins to burn fat for energy after the glucose stored before has been used up. The normal human body begins to burn fat after 12 hours of fasting; so, 16 hours of fasting is an excellent interval for our body to burn fat.
Do I have to carefully adhere to the IF diet after I’ve begun? Not at all.

There are other varieties of IF diet plans, such as daily IF and weekly IF (6 days with normal diet and 1 day fasting, or 5 days with normal diet and only eat 500 calories on the following 2 days). The 16:8 IF eating plan is the simplest of the bunch. One of the things that contribute to the IF diet’s popularity is its adaptability; you may change the feasting window at any time. For example, if you have a breakfast date on the weekend or are travelling on a 2-day food excursion, you may easily change your feasting window because it will not have a significant influence on the outcome. However, if you vary your fasting period regularly, it would be a different scenario.
Is there anything I should avoid while on the IF diet? : No.

You can eat anything you want during the feasting window, but in order to lose weight safely and successfully, you need also regulate your calorie intake, and a balanced diet should always be maintained. Keep in mind that you should take enough nutrients throughout your feasting window and avoid eating too much processed food.
During the 16-hour fast, you can only drink zero-calorie beverages like black coffee and plain water. Avoid bottled beverages, even if they are labelled as zero-calorie, because some are sweetened and may promote the release of insulin in the body, which may eventually disrupt your fasting.
What if I am hungry during fasting? Try your hardest!
It may be difficult for you if you eat a lot or are used to eating more than three meals each day. However, some people are already telling themselves that “I am going to be very hungry” before beginning the diet plan; therefore, it is important to convince yourself before beginning the plan and try to distract yourself by doing interesting but low-energy-consuming activities to alleviate the hunger that you are experiencing. You should also drink more water if you are hungry.
Although Intermittent Fasting has many additional health advantages, such as improving skin condition and freshening breath, it is not suggested for pregnant women, those who live stressful lives, lack nutrients, and suffer from poor sleep. If you experience any of the following health problems: hair loss, mental problems, skin problems, debility, and so on, you should immediately discontinue the IF diet plan. If you wish to attempt the IF diet plan but have a history of gastric or other chronic condition, visit your doctor first!
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